How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with SG Recycle

Do you know how much carbon dioxide (CO2) you emit every day? According to a study by the National University of Singapore, the average Singaporean household emits about 7.5 tonnes of CO2 per year, which is equivalent to driving a car for 30,000 km or flying from Singapore to London and back twice . That’s a lot of CO2, and it contributes to global warming and climate change, which threaten our health, environment, and future.


But what if we told you that there is a way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money, space, and resources at the same time? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. It’s possible with SG Recycle, the smart, convenient and rewarding recycling service for paper, textile and e-waste materials in Singapore.


SG Recycle is a company that uses technology such as robotic waste collection machines, 100% electric vehicle fleet with AI route management, and app-based rewards to make recycling easy and fun for everyone. By recycling your paper, textile and e-waste items with SG Recycle, you can:


– Reduce your carbon footprint by using recycled material to produce more sustainable products, promote circular economy, and save energy and emissions

– Save money by earning cash rewards for every kilo of waste you recycle

– Save space by reducing the amount of waste that goes into your bin or landfill

– Save resources by conserving natural resources such as trees, water, and metals


How does it work? It’s simple. Just follow these steps:


– Find the nearest SG Recycle machine at Shell stations and offices using our app or website

– Scan your waste items using our smart machines and get them accepted or rejected based on their suitability for recycling

– Deposit your accepted items into the machine and get a receipt with your cash reward and a summary of your environmental impact

– Redeem your cash reward using our app or at any participating outlet

– Learn more about the benefits of recycling and the impact you make using our app, panel, social media, or facility tours


SG Recycle’s smart machines use AI and robotics to scan the waste items and reject those that are contaminated or not suitable for recycling. This ensures that the waste collected is of high quality and purity, which increases the efficiency and value of recycling. Our machines also educate our users on recycling dos and don’ts, such as separating paper from plastic or removing staples from paper.


SG Recycle’s electric vehicle fleet uses AI to optimize the collection routes and reduce wasted travel. Our vehicles are powered by electricity instead of diesel or petrol, which reduces the emissions from transportation. Our vehicles also have sensors and cameras to monitor the waste collection process and ensure safety and security.


SG Recycle’s app-based rewards use gamification and behavioral economics to motivate our users to recycle more. Our app allows our users to locate the nearest machine, scan their waste items, redeem their cash rewards, track their recycling history, view their environmental impact, share their achievements with others, and access exclusive offers and discounts from our partners.


SG Recycle is more than just a recycling service. It’s a community of people who care about the environment and want to make a difference. We have partnered with over 50 agencies, businesses, and organizations to provide recycling solutions for their offices and events. We have also recycled over 11 million kilos of waste, saving over 5 million kilos of CO2.


But we are not alone in this mission. We are part of a larger movement of people who are taking action to reduce their carbon footprint and live more sustainably. One of them is Stridy , a social platform that rewards users for walking or cycling instead of driving or taking public transport. Stridy allows users to track their distance travelled, calories burned, money saved, CO2 avoided, and carbon credits earned. Stridy also connects users with other like-minded individuals who share their goals and values.


Stridy and SG Recycle are examples of how technology can be used to create positive social and environmental impacts. By using these services, you can not only reduce your carbon footprint but also improve your health, well-being, and happiness. You can also join a community of people who share your vision of a greener and cleaner future.


So what are you waiting for? Start reducing your carbon footprint today with SG Recycle’s smart machines and electric vehicles. You’ll be surprised by how easy and rewarding it is. Visit our website or download our app to find out more. And don’t forget to check out Stridy  as well. Together, we can make a difference.

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